Weekly Wrap-Up...3-D figures, more Easter fun & getting ready for spring

Although this week was a short (4-day) week, it certainly was busy!
Here's a look at some things we were working on...

3-Dimensional Figures
Our students have taken a strong interest in building castles, towers and houses using 3-Dimensional figures so we wanted to extend their learning.
We played "What's in my bag?" - where we hide a few of each 3-D figure in our small bag.  
You can play in 2 ways:
- Students have to reach in and choose a figure.  Before pulling it out, they feel it and say it's name.  Then pull it out to see if they are correct!
- Students reach in and choose a figure.  They have to describe it to their friends (i.e. "It's round and reminds me of an orange.") and have their friends guess what it is.
We left the larger shapes out so students had a visual if they needed it.
The small plastic geometric shapes are from Wintergreen Learning materials.

Students sorted 3-Dimensional figure cards in our pocket chart.  
You can download these for FREE by clicking {here} or on the picture below.

We invited students to use the 3-Dimensional blocks to create a structure.  They were able to record their findings by gluing these small pictures of 3D figures to their paper.

***Be sure to look out for a new unit all about 3-Dimensional figures coming soon!***

More Easter Fun!
Students absolutely LOVED this fun activity.
We bought these plastic carrots a few years back from the Dollar Store.  They open up which made it great to place small cut-up letters inside for students to unscramble a sight word.

We also set out our poem for the week "I'm a Little Bunny" in our pocket chart and had students rebuild the poem.  Then we used these yellow highlighter tape pieces (which I made by cutting an old yellow plastic duotang) and asked students to find sight words.

We also introduced a sight word game called "Find that Egg!", where we placed an egg sticker behind a sight word card.  Students had to read a sight word, and we turned that card over.  First person to find the sticker wins!


You can get your own copy of this game {here}.
*Best part is - it's editable so you can add your own words!*

Even though this week marked the beginning of Spring, it hasn't felt very spring-like yet (it's still so cold!).  We brought in a beautiful purple hydrangea and invited the students to paint it to set the tone of our new season.  
Hopefully it will be warming up soon!  More spring provocations and activities coming up...

I hope everyone has a Happy Easter and enjoys the long weekend!

I'm having a BIG sale on everything (including bundles!) in my TpT store all weekend long if you are interested in picking up a few things.

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