We are going on an adventure today into one of the most beautiful and inspiring classrooms I discovered online earlier this school year.
Carmelina Digrigoli is a Full Day Kindergarten teacher with the York Region District School Board and author of the blog:
When I examine the pictures Carmelina posts of her students in action, learning and playing, I am in awe of the materials she has chosen, her learning environment and how much fun not only her students are having, but she is, too!
This is a picture of the Classroom Inquiry Learning Web from September to June. I know that by showcasing and having students involved in their learning, it brings meaning to what we, as educators, are doing. This learning web is not only a valuable tool for the parents and guests in Carmelina's classroom, but her students can reflect upon where their learning has gone and is going. I am certainly going to take this idea of creating an ongoing learning web with my students this coming school year.
This is the main atelier workshop where art becomes the curriculum and all materials are accessible. It's also the main space of the classroom.
Isn't it so inviting?
These students are painting under a tree!
Learning doesn't always take place inside the classroom, after all!
Here's a picture of a construction site using blocks and loose parts...not only are the students offered a variety of blocks to build and explore with, it is located near the atelier so art, drama, and tinkering with loose parts are encouraged.
Lots and lots of tinkering materials for make it and break it play.
Imagine all of the possibilities here!
This is where the "Beautiful Stuff" is housed. Here students can search for that perfect piece for their creation!
All of the loose parts are neatly arranged so that it's not only visually appealing but also easy for students to take, use and put away once they are finished.
So many students love creating with loose parts!
Please share an insight...
"Inspiration does exist, but it must find us working."
~Pablo Picasso
"As educators, we begin to prepare our minds and bodies for back to school, we wonder what we need, what we should collect, what will we do differently this school year, and how we will setup our classrooms. I prefer to use the term 'design' in place of setup. To design our learning environments considers space and opportunity for growth, that it will indeed change and will transform and grow with the students' interests and learning outcomes. Let's embrace our bare September walls and prepare for endless learning opportunities and authentic classroom transformations."
For more inspiring ideas please visit Carmelina's blog!
Do you have a classroom that encompasses the same philosophies and beliefs about emergent curriculum as we do?
We would love to feature your blog/website for an upcoming Travelling Tuesday!
Please leave a comment below with a link to your site.
Thanks for travelling with us this week!
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