International Dot Day

This past Monday, September 15 was International Dot Day!
We celebrated in many ways in our classroom...

We read the story, The Dot, by Peter Reynolds.  If you haven't already read this book, you simply MUST!
It's a wonderful story about trying your best and not saying "I can't".
The students really enjoyed it!
After the story, I showed the children this photo of Kandinsky's  painting on our Bright Links board and we were all amazed!
It was beautiful!
F.V.:  I love all the pretty colours!
L.G.: It is so big and full of circles!
I set out some white, square Bristol board in the middle of the table, as well as pencils, pastels, and plasticine.
Then the students began to create their very own "dot" masterpieces to celebrate the day!

The children paid so much attention to detail!
We showed the children how to use the pastels to colour the entire dot so that there were no white spots left.  They took a long time to complete their work, making sure not to rush the process.
This girl is counting how many dots she created to see if it "matched Kandinsky's work".
You can make dots out of anything!
Dots are bog and dots are small...but they are fun, most of all!

I can't wait to continue to explore dots this week in our classroom by using paint and various tubes, lids and all things circular!

Parents, don't forget to join us tomorrow evening at 7 for our Curriculum Night.
You will have a chance to see these amazing masterpieces on display in our classroom and read all about our dot journey.

1 comment

  1. I am loving this lesson AND your blog. You're inspiring me to start a little blog of my own, but I'm wondering if you would mind sharing the release/permission that you have parents sign (I'm assuming you need one?). I've had my school's union rep. suggest that I don't start one as I'm opening myself up to issues, so I'm slightly nervous. Any guidance for a newbie? LOL


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